Your profile area shows information about your career, your SMC bank balance as well as any influence that you own.

Soccerverse is a social game and you can also see the same information about other users by looking at their profile area.

There are several places where you can find other users to click on their name and display their profiles.

  • Leaderboards > Best Managers

  • Use the search bar to find a user

  • Club overview (for that club’s manager)

  • Player overview (for that player’s agent)

  • Influence

Click a user’s name to visit their profile.

User profiles include the following information:

  • Overview: Various information, including financial summaries and payouts

  • Portfolio: What influence the user holds

  • Accounts: What has been spent and received (SMC)

  • Career: Career as a club manager and/or player agent

  • Influence orders: Open buy/sell orders for club/player influence

You can send SMC to other users by clicking the send (>) icon in the upper right of a user’s profile page.

Last updated