Club Debt

Club Debt

At the end of the season it is possible that some clubs are in debt if the manager did not properly take care of the club’s finances.

The autonomous debt resolution process minimises damage to the club. The steps proceed in order until all debt is paid off.

  1. League prize money goes to the club’s debt first and then to the club and influencers if any prize money remains.

  2. The club’s top player is sold on the transfer market to pay off debt and reduce the outgoing expenses (player’s wage).

  3. If the club falls below the minimum of 21 players, it receives free low-ranked players from the Free Bench.

Prize Money for Paying Debts

If a club wins any prize money from its league, debtors are first in line for that money.

If there is any prize money left after paying off all debts, then the remainder goes to the club, its influencers, and its player influencers split the prize money with the club receiving the lion’s share, the club influencers receiving a good portion, and the player influencers receiving a small amount.

Since this represents a financial loss for influencers, they may wish to find someone better to replace their club’s manager. See the section on voting for more information.

Last updated