Every move in Soccerverse incurs a small transaction fee (“tx fee”) charged in MATIC. However, as many people don’t have any MATIC (or WCHI), Soccerverse can sponsor a few daily moves for free. All you need to do is turn on “Free Moves” in the upper-right corner dropdown menu.

Click the “Free Moves” toggle to turn on free moves.

However, there is a limit on free moves in order to avoid abuse. If you are highly active in the game, e.g. you’re a club manager, an agent for 25 players, or you’re trading a lot of influence, then you’ll run out of free moves pretty quickly. The solution is to simply pay for moves by buying a small amount of MATIC.

Tx fees are usually extremely cheap at mere fractions of a penny. However, from time to time the network traffic can be very high, which makes tx fees more expensive, e.g. a couple cents or so.

Last updated