Players are undoubtedly the most important part of any club. You can access individual player screens from numerous places simply by clicking their names. The most straightforward way is to search (upper right icon) or visit a club Squad screen, and then find the player you want.

The player overview screen gives you all the basic information you need. It’s divided into a few sections:

  • Overview

  • Statistics

  • Payouts

  • Votes

  • Contract

  • Transfer

The right player-info panel shows you all the basic core information. The other tabs give more in-depth info and facilitate different actions for managers, agents, and influencers.


In addition to the information, agents can change the player’s morale between happy, neutral, and unhappy. Unhappy players perform at a -10 penalty to their rating.


Statistics provide a very quick overview of player stats for all the competitions he played in.


If you’re buying or selling influence, you’ll want to know what the payouts are like for players. This is where you’ll find that info.


Provided you have enough influence, you can propose a new agent for a player. However, irrespective of how much influence you have, you still get to vote whenever agents are proposed for players. Voting in Soccerverse is powerful and meaningful.


Players and clubs sign contracts for a number of seasons. The player’s agent is the one who determines the conditions:

  • Available for transfer

  • Would like a new contract or renewal

  • Desired new contract length (1-6 seasons)

If the club manager finds the contract conditions acceptable, they can renew the contract. They can also refuse to renew the contract, in which case the player leaves the club at the end of their contract and joins the free bench.


It’s the duty of the club manager to ensure that his club’s squad is composed well in order to win. This duty includes trading players with other clubs (or the free bench) through the transfer market.

The transfer screen is where managers can sell players or bid on players that are listed in the transfer market. If you’re a club manager, make sure that your decisions are prudent as you only get a maximum of 3 transfers in and out. The exception is the free bench, where you can bid for players limited only by the maximum club size of 32 players, e.g. if your club has 25 players, you can buy/sell 3 in and 3 out with other clubs (for a total of 6 transfers), but you can bid for and buy up to 7 new players from the free bench.

If you’re bidding for a player, you must meet or exceed the minimum bid.

Last updated