When you visit a club, you have instant access to a wealth of information including everything from past match results and its current line up to in-depth financial reports and club tactics.

You’ll want (and need) all the information that you can get if you want to succeed in Soccerverse because even if you’re not a club manager or an agent for any players, you’re still going to want to buy influence.

So aside from your run-of-the-mill soccer stats, there are some special parts of Soccerverse that are most likely new for most footy fans. Here’s your tl;dr:

  • Influence price: Clubs in Soccerverse have influence that you can buy

  • Market cap: Market cap is equal to the influence price x the total amount of influence

  • Influencers: You don’t get to know exactly who owns what in the real world, but you do in Soccerverse. Every influencer’s position is open for everyone else to see

  • Votes: Your influence votes in Soccerverse are more direct and more powerful than most votes in the real world

  • Managers: All clubs have managers (or head coaches), and other sim games have them too. However, in Soccerverse, it’s not just anyone that gets to be a manager; you need a club’s influencers to vote you in. This is a highly coveted position.

  • Finances: Regulated companies must disclose certain financial information, but in Soccerverse, ALL financial information is 100% open for everyone to see

  • Tactics: How a team plays is determined by its manager. This is a big topic, so more on it later

Last updated